See wuhn.nuh

Contingent existence, every contingent, not is When not created (related), dead self, Izz, what izzz Pay attention to how I write; the sounds I do and do not use. Phonetics are a part of every language, and I began to write of the Bajan state of mind, and our language. We know the sounds in […]

Examples of Bajan…

Salaam, I was asked for clarification and for more examples. I’m not a linguist; I speak my first language fluently and taught English as a Second Language. I updated the other post as well for clarification. Um, Tul, Tchru, Tuh, Kaw, Gud, Wa.oirt.den, Wouu, Wax, Den, Fuh’, Soa, Boa, Oah, Ai, Nuh, Man, In, Kaw.blehn, Mai-man, Wunna, Haa’uh, Tul-yoo, Nuh-‘uh, Kaw.laaw, […]

Answering Questions

Salaam everybody, InshaAllah you’re all well. My nobility was questioned so I opted to produced a genealogy, a lineage and an explanation of how I was raised culturally. There is also a summary. I am known to be Kalinaga, an Innis, Thompson, Bailey from Barbados, in every generation, pure lineage.  I know our casta is sangre pura fina India AmerIndia […]

Animal venoms…

The average Barbadian is aware that we are less susceptible to HIV and other infectious deseases having overcome them in the past. We know of goutma and goutma gonnapickie making people henpeckie and naming the eckie beckies. HIV does not even make some Barbadian’s hair fall out the way it affects other people. This is […]

Assorted Notes: The times opened up bellow us…

Asalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh or hello Here is my DNA report from Ancestry DNA: They thought they killed all of us, AmerIndians…they mixed slaves around to destroy our lines, AmerAfricans, but we’re still us and alive…very much so. My actual DNA says: India (Andes) and European West (Incas, Mayas…) – Inkaika Nazka […]

Its Novel: its the measure of the man…

Asalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh or hello, InshaAllah, you are all well. To answer the question in short, my responsibility is religious, not rulership. I was taking care of my responsibilities before I was rudely interrupted. I AM insane. They’re trying to put me in an institution for believing in my religion. I haven’t […]

Its Novel: In the Castle of My Skin… West Indian (West of Eden)…not interested in the chess game at the top of the world

Here’s the issue: Some gang involved people somehow involved me in their gang dealings; I don’t even fully understand it. I left to go work somewhere else (Mexico) on my way back to my home country. It became weird, gone-off, strange, rare, unique, funny. They prevented me from reaching my destination and then all of […]